Use of artificial intelligence is also on the rise. According to ValueWalk, 63 percent of customers expect companies to offer support through social media.
Google is fast becoming most people’s first-line customer service agent. Let’s face it, what do you do when you want to find out how to do something or sleuth out information about a person, place or thing? You Google it.
Yet despite the technology we have at our fingertips, have you ever noticed how hard it is to find someone who has the skill set to remodel your bathroom without charging an arm and a leg, or prune a tree without butchering it, or do basic jobs around the house that we used to look to a general handyman to perform.
It’s a little bit that way in the coordinate measuring machine (CMM) market. That’s why we’ve created a turnkey program with flexibility built in to respond to customers’ unique challenges.
From the moment you bring a part to us that you want to measure, we get to work to provide a CMM that fits your needs today and down the road. Before the newly purchased CMM is delivered, we make sure it is fitted with the proper tooling (probe changer, probe styli), part fixture, part program, and optional enclosure. We install our equipment and make sure it’s operational before we leave the production floor.
We also calibrate our CMMS whether it’s a new machine or an existing one. Got a complex part and don’t have the resources or experience to program it? We can write the program, test it, and send it back to you ready to run. We also provide training.
So what makes us different? Our team has decades of combined engineering, programming and service experience. We also have practical experience with a wide range of industries. We design, build and assemble our shop floor and laboratory CMMs right here in the U.S. We engineer our machines around Renishaw 5-axis technology. And, we support our CMMs with QC-CALC and MODUS software.
Our calibration and programming services continue to expand because companies are asking us to take on their part programming tasks indefinitely and become an extension of their quality control program. These things give us a bird’s eye view of what the machine and the programmer need to accomplish for manufacturers in a very competitive marketplace. That makes us unique.
If you would like to speak with a CMM expert, reach out to AIMS Metrology at (937) 320-4930 or visit us at